Follow the Golden Thread home to the healer within.

Thank you for stopping by.

I’m currently taking some time away from the 1:1 side of my business whilst I focus on precious 1:1 time with my husband and first baby.

Please visit me on Instagram to see the most recent updates, new releases and courses that can be accessed whilst I’m absorbed in Mama mode.

Hello beautiful soul,

I’m Lisa!

After healing myself of an incurable condition and freeing my mind from past trauma, I’ve developed a deep passion for sharing the transformational gifts of traditional, holistic and natural healing practices. I enlighten others so they too can reclaim their health and well-being by following the golden thread home to the healer within.

It’s not a welcoming of a new you. It’s a coming home. A home where you feel awake, alive, activated and aligned.

Come inside to discover more x


Some beautiful words from my clients…

  • ‘Lisa is a miracle worker! I never thought I was allowed to be happy and now I’m enjoying every day. I started noticing massive changes in only a few sessions.’

    — Lynda

  • ‘So much gold came from this session and I was in absolute shock at how I felt afterwards. The results were instant and the thoughts, feelings and emotions I had been experiencing on repeat from past events were no longer triggering me - we’re talking triggers and emotions that I have been carrying around for years - gone!!’

    — Alyce

  • ‘Lisa has helped me to resolve so many past issues, to understand and learn from my triggers and assisted me in moving towards a future that I am so excited about. I have achieved so many things in the three months I worked with Lisa and have so much gratitude for Lisa and the life lessons I have learnt.’

    — Tania

  • ‘Lisa, you are all kinds of magic. Your work is absolute magic. I hoped for a new version of myself after the breakthrough session, but instead, I met the real version of myself. And it feels so good to be home.

    — Georgia

  • ‘I knew I needed someone who would confidently navigate my duck-and-weave tendencies when it came to moving through my personal vulnerabilities. We completed 8 hours of intensive emotional release work together and suffice to say it did the job! That old way of being is gone, replaced with a lighter and more optimistic version of me. And the change is PERMANENT. Lisa is genuine, her energy is pure, she is careful and considerate in her approach and holds space with gentleness and love. And right when you need it, she'll lean in and gently apply the right amount of pressure.’

    — Shan

I offer transformative health and mindset coaching for the woman wanting to release the dis-ease, past trauma, conditioning and programming no longer serving them.

Follow my journey on Instagram